Why are my teeth getting darker? Ask the experts – Dr Aws Hashim Ali Al-Kadhim & Dr Muhammad Syafiq Alauddin

Many of us seek perfect smile, but how many of us are practising good oral hygiene and following instructions from our dentists? One of the most common reasons for a person to attend a dental clinic is when their teeth are discoloured or getting noticably darker over time. The dentist will then clean their teeth using ultrasonic scaler to remove plaque, calculus and stains that accumulate on the surfaces of the teeth. But the question here is where is the stain coming from? And how to prevent our teeth from getting discoloured?

One of the most common causes of the discolouration is smoking. Smoking carries thousands of chemicals that are harmful to our teeth and oral cavity.  Smoking does not only cause discolouration of the teeth but it also is the leading risk factor for development oral cancer.


Consuming carbonated drinks is another common reason for tooth discolouration that affects mainly teenagers and school children. Carbonated drinks or soda are acidic beverages that cause erosion of the enamel, the hard tissue on the tooth surface, stain our teeth and subsequently make them look darker. Many other beverages such as tea, coffee, and wine can also cause tooth discolouration.

Now how do we prevent and treat tooth discolouration?

Clinicians and researchers have found out that one of the most difficult things for patients to achieve is to modify their diet. As patients may find it challenging to change their dietary habits, it is advisable to firstly reduce the intake of these carbonated beverages or at least to rinse their mouth by sipping water to wash away the stain before it becomes permanently attached to the teeth.

Another popular method to clean the teeth and remove stain, is scaling and polishing. The dentist will use an ultrasonic scaler to remove the stain.. The procedurecan take a few minutes for mild staining but it can also include multiple visits, depending on the general oral hygiene status of the patient.

Dental bleaching is being very popular in Malaysia, with many over-the-counter devices or kits being sold in pharmacies, beauty centres and spas. All dental bleaching procedures consist of an active ingredient of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in different concentrations. Professional application of dental bleaching product by a dentisthas a higher percentage of hydrogen peroxidewhile there are other preparations thatcan be used at home.  However,  keep in mind that it is always mandatory to consult your dentist first regarding dental bleaching kits to discuss safety, success rates and suitability.

A common side effect after dental bleaching is hypersensitivity of the teeth. This is to be expected for at least 24-48 hours after the procedure. There are multiple ways to reduce the hypersensitivity effect including addition  of desensitising agent during the treatment. Do consult a dental practitioner on the best ways to minimise and reduce the possible hypersensitive teeth effect after dental bleaching.

Dr. Aws Hashim Ali is a dental specialist, researcher and lecturer from USIM in conservative dentistry and endodontic fields.

Dr M. Syafiq is a dental specialist, researcher and lecturer from USIM in prosthodontics and implantology fields.

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