Message from the DG of Health: A Healthy Environment & Personal Healthcare – KKM

img_1329We are living in very challenging times for healthcare in our society. As I have said before, new vector-borne diseases have emerged and reemerged, which require the collective effort of everyone in the society to overcome. The Government, through the existing healthcare system and infrastructure especially the MoH, will do what is necessary to manage any development; such as the occurrence of any vector borne diseases whether it be Dengue, Chikungunya or Zika. However, it must be emphasised that managing the problem and preventing any undue outbreak must be the collective effort of all. Whilst relevant ministries and departments at federal, district or local levels must continue to assume their respective responsibilities; all other stakeholders in society must also be proactively managing the issues of healthcare.

The private Sector, such as companies undertaking construction and infrastructure works, must ensure amongst other things that:-

  1. Their workers have been properly and adequately screened by the relevant health screening agencies to ensure that they are not carriers of any contagious diseases;
  2. The areas around their projects are kept free of standing water and waste that can harbour and breed disease carrying vectors such as mosquitoes; and
  3. Continuous monitoring is undertaken to ensure a healthy operating environment.

Of importance is the role of members of the public at large. Everyone bears the responsibility towards personal healthcare, as well as contributing towards maintaining a healthy living environment. Living healthy lifestyles will certainly impact the ability to function well in our daily lives and contribute to national efficiency and productivity. Hence sustaining a healthy living and working environment can ensure a disease free environment. It must be emphasised that disease carrying vectors such as mosquitoes are not discriminatory about who they bite or infect. They do not discriminate on race, colour, gender, age or political inclinations. Therefore, everyone must collaborate to maintain that healthy environment that we all share together. Every sector is a health sector. Health is a factor that cuts across every level and sphere of society.

We are collectively responsible for not only personal healthcare, but also equally important, for the health of our common environment. I take this opportunity to wish everyone and their families A Very Happy, Prosperous, and Healthy Chinese New Year and happy holidays!

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